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Future Plans

Hi friends, I need your guidance. Now that Child of Aurumice is complete, three major projects beckon to me, each with different pros and cons.  Of course, book four will happen, but it's a slow process.  That project won't see publication for at least two years.  In the meantime, I'd like to approach a smaller project.

The first choice is to produce an audio book. Now, if you're a fan of Return to the Castle already this probably interests you the least.  However, in a world where people are increasingly turning to audio books, it may be a great way to bring more people to the halls of Aurumice.  The's expensive.  I would hire a pro narrator for this project.  I feel like the best way to do this is with a Kickstarter, but will I get the support? I don't know.



The second project choice is to create a short comic after Child of Aurumice.  This would be a sequence of "post credits scenes" if you will.  I have these ideas of what will happen in the intervening months after the end of the book three and before book four. Ten little scenes.  I've been working on a new Centernia comic-book style for this very purpose.  The published format would be a traditional comic book, perhaps with a sturdy binding that you'd find in more of a graphic novel.  Cost investment to me would be negligible, but would likely take more time than an audio book.  It would also be something that would appeal to Centernia fans only and be useless in drawing new readers into the series. 


The third project may be too ambitious, an illustrated world guide.  I really want to see a pretty book filled with the landscape of Centernia, from the local vegetation to the details about yearly festivals.   This book would also serve as content for an eventual tabletop RPG. Like the comic book project, this will take me time.  I'd also like to invite in other illustrators, which will also incur cost.  This will be a nice product to have, and may draw people into the world, but I don't know to what extent. I LOVE pretty art books, but are they worth the time investment?


So those are my choices.  Weigh in below, and please, feel free to give additional feedback. If you scroll past the survey you'll see other plans. 

Book three, Child of Aurumice, is complete and will be released soon, which project do you want to see next?

Thanks for submitting!

Centernia is a long-term project and a slowly building universe.  Here are our goals, both achieved and future, listed in no particular order.



  • Publish Return to the Castle

  • Sell at conventions

  • Write the Sequel

  • Re-launch

  • Create Centernia art prints for sale at shows

  • Publish the Sequel, Mark of the Castle

  • Sell 1,000 copies of Return to the Castle

  • Online pronunciation guide with audio

  • Open the merch shop

  • Write The Dreamspinner's Journey, sharing Misa's backstory

  • Open online forums

  • Create a Centernia Art Book and hire additional illustrators 

  • Add short stories to the website

  • Write the third book, Child of Aurumice

  • Create a short Centernia comic

  • Produce an audio book

  • Create a Centernia RPG

  • Create an online RPG

  • Write books four-six

  • Generate enough Centernia income so it may become my full-time project

  • Animated Film

  • Partner with artists and vendors to sell at Ren Faires and Conventions in every state

  • Distribution with a larger publishing house

  • Make more encyclopediac web-content



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